Tips to Reduce and Manage Workplace Stress
Can you believe it’s already October? Year-end deadlines are only 90 days away!
I am getting a lot of calls lately about managing workplace stress and the ugly effect stress has on our ability to lead. Are you having trouble…
- Managing your tempers?
- Taking the time to fully communicate expectations?
- Staying focused on your top priorities?
- Listening to your team members?
- Sleeping?
When job and workplace stress threatens to overwhelm you, there are simple steps you can take to regain control over yourself and the situation. When you demonstrate self-control in stressful situations your team will be much more productive.
Here are some suggestions for reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities.
Time management tips for reducing job stress
- Create a balanced schedule. Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. All work and no play is a recipe for burnout. Try to find a balance between work and family life, social activities and solitary pursuits, daily responsibilities and downtime.
- Don’t over-commit yourself. Avoid scheduling things back-to-back or trying to fit too much into one day. All too often, we underestimate how long things will take. If you’ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.
- Try to leave earlier in the morning. Even 10-15 minutes can make the difference between frantically rushing to your desk and having time to ease into your day. Don’t add to your stress levels by running late.
- Plan regular breaks. Make sure to take short breaks every 90 minutes. Throughout the day take a walk, or sit back and just clear your mind. Also try to get away from your desk or workstation for lunch. Stepping away from work to briefly relax and recharge will help you be more, not less, productive.
Task management tips for reducing job stress
- Prioritize tasks. Make a list of tasks you have to do, and tackle them in order of importance. Do the high-priority items first. If you have something particularly unpleasant to do, get it over with early. The rest of your day will be more pleasant as a result.
- Break projects into small steps. If a large project seems overwhelming, make a step-by-step plan. Focus on one manageable step at a time rather than taking on everything on at once.
- Delegate responsibility. You don’t have to do it all yourself. If other people can take care of the task, why not let them? Let go of the desire to control or oversee every little step. You’ll be letting go of unnecessary stress in the process.
- Be willing to compromise. When you ask someone to contribute differently to a task, revise a deadline, or change their behavior at work; be willing to do the same. Sometimes if you can both bend a little, you’ll be able to find a happy middle ground that reduces the stress levels for everyone involved.
Just pick one of these tips and stick with it for two weeks and then adopt another … soon you’ll feel much more productive and much less stressed out!