Nothing unites a team like a common cause!
(Adapted from one of my favorite quotes “Nothing unites a team like a common enemy!”)

Consider organizing a unique team building event this summer that gives back to the community. The most recent issue of Success Magazine focused on the topic of Happiness and Significance. It reported that some of the keys to achieving happiness can be found through developing meaningful relationships and giving back.

Success had several articles that talked about the key to “significance”. There was no surprise here… the most fulfilled people actually gave back to their community. The surprising part was that people are actually rethinking the definition of success, especially the next generation because they don’t strive as much for money and possessions. Research states that after our basic needs are met (shelter, nutrition, security, adequate medical care, etc.) financial success does little to make us happier. The research says there is however a direct correlation between happiness and quality relationships.

So I got thinking…. If we want to create significance and happiness at work then …. What if we combined these two ideas and created an experience that helped develop meaningful relationships at work by giving back!

It’s fun, it’s relevant, it’s happening and it works! Our clients are out there doing it!

Here are 10 ideas to unite as a team by giving back!

1. Sponsor a “Jeans Day”: A large Detroit corporation charges $5 each Friday for the opportunity to wear jeans to work. Each Friday on of the departments sponsor the jeans day and they pick the charity and also work together to generate more sales by holding a bake sale, car wash etc.Last week I watched as the HR team donated a check for over $2500 to the local food bank.

2. Sponsor a Habitat for Humanity House: A midsized company has adopted the charity Habitat for Humanity. They work all year collecting donations and then each member of the company is then when the house is being built each employee is encouraged to sign up and take part. They are given paid time off to work alongside their CEO to build the house.

3. Host a community “Lunch on the Run” program: An automotive company dedicates one day each year to delivering lunch orders to other local businesses in the community. All proceeds go to a needy cause.

4. Hold a car wash and with the proceeds going to a charity the team chooses…

5. Participant in or coordinate a bowlathon.

6. Run a 5k and organize one and encourage the community to participate too!

7. Serve at a local soup kitchen or food bank.

8. Clean up a neighborhood park … paint, spread new mulch and earn the funds to add something to the park too!

9. Rally every member of your company to donate few dollars from each pay check to a powerful cause like United Way!

10. Rent a dunk tank for the day and “Dunk Your Leader”! Have the each team in your company compete for which department can dunk their leader the most times.