Managers are traditionally taught that the key to getting results is by holding employees accountable, yet the reality is the secret recipe to getting great results is to set clear expectations.
Bottom Line: In setting clear expectations, communication is vital to high performing teams – any communication challenges are easy to fix once you have identified it as the issue. Try these 5 steps instead of getting frustrated with your employees:
- First, know WHAT you WANT. Often we assume that others are being lazy or thoughtless when they don’t meet our needs. However, most likely we have not clarified in our own minds what it is that we want. Get clear on this first and communicating expectations will come easily.
- Explain what you DO want rather than what you DON’T. Rather than saying “Stop emailing me about urgent issues,” try, “When an issue is urgent, I would really appreciate it is you would call me or stop by my desk.”
- Clearly communicate expectations and ensure understanding. Ask the person to summarize or re-explain what it is you asked for. This helps to make sure you both are on the same page.
- Define your desired outcome. What do you want the end product or behavior to look like? Rather than telling an employee, “I need this ASAP” say, “I need this by 10 a.m.”
- Reward the positive and coach the negative. If your expectations are met, make sure you show appreciation. If not, before assuming the person intentionally disappointed you, clearly communicate what you were expecting.
“Communicate unto the other person that which you would want him to communicate unto you if your positions were reversed.” — Aaron Goldman