By guest author: Larry Collar
Several weeks ago CBS launched a new reality show called Undercover Boss (Sundays 9:00 p.m. Eastern). The concept is simple, take a top executive from a major company and have him/her work “in the trenches” for a week. The twist? Have them do it incognito.
The routine is the same with each episode. The soon to be undercover boss tells the executive team what his/her plans are, the boss goes undercover with a plausible cover story for having the cameras around, and in the end the boss reveals themselves to all the individuals he/she had contact with during the week.
For many of you going “undercover” is nearly impossible. The good news – we can learn from these leaders and apply their Aha’s! to our organizations. Over the next few weeks we will feature one episode, share key teachable YouTube clips and challenge you to THINK.
Take a look at this 5 minute segment from episode #1:
This clip is from the end of the episode where Larry O’Donnell, CEO of Waste Management reveals himself to the front line workers he encountered during his mission. Watch how O’Donnell connects with each of the people. Notice how he:
- Rewards positive and enthusiastic behavior with something non-monetary but valued
- Learns from employees the impact that decisions made in the board can have on employees
- Encourages employees to help others and get involved in issues and causes that extent beyond the confines of the workplace
- Discovers through employee input improperly implemented policies and how he coaches a manager to improved performance
- Rewards those that work hardest with more responsibility instead of just more work
Ask yourself …
- Can you separate a worker from their “personal story”? Should you?
- How do you reward your employees? How do you know when to reward them?
- What data do you gather that tells you how your decisions impact your employees? How do you know your decisions (policies) are being properly implemented?
- How do you take corrective action and still keep the experience positive.
Final Thoughts…
As leaders we sometimes have to go “undercover” to get to the heart of what matters in our organizations. It isn’t always an issue of communication, sometimes it is simply perspective…….closeness brings clarity. Get out of your office, roll up your sleeves, talk to your team and listen to what is really going on in your company. Get to know the people and their stories. You will be amazed at the connections that you make and the lessons you learn.
Complete episodes of Undercover Boss can be viewed by going to