Define Your Values
This process can be used for a company, a team or an individual (or even a family).
1. Gather your team and determine the five (5) words that best describe how you will behave with each other, customers, and key business partners.
Determining a team’s core values may seem simple, but it’s not easy. Why? Because we are complex human beings, who have unique backgrounds and experiences. These differences are incredibly valuable and by working together we can identify and prioritize the values that reflect what is most important to you, your team or your company.
By involving your team they will help every member:
- Understand the “why?” behind the final outcome
- Buy-in faster and fully support the final decisions
- Hold each other accountable
- Begin to engage by “thinking” and saying “I can make a difference by…”
2. Define what each of values means. This is a productive team building exercise. Select a core group of team members to write a short definition for each of the values. Keep it shot and easy to remember.
Need Help?
Need help facilitating a “Power of 5 Values” session. Aha! Leadership will help your team unite and determine their values in only 90 minutes! It’s a powerful team-building exercise!
- “I watched you bring 18 people (that never, ever agree on anything) together and actually accomplish this goal in such a short period of time. We all left motivated, high-fiving and on the same page. Absolutely amazing!”
- “By including everyone in the decision making process makes everyone feel responsible for passing on the feelings and attitudes.”
- “I saw for the first time that when inspired we can all be productive and constructive.”
- “Since we worked together, I completely understand why and how these values were created.”
- “My Aha was the realization that although we are all different, we can come together and agree.”
- “My Aha was realizing that we are all able to work as a team to come up with our company values.”
- “Thank you for including me. For the first time in a long time. I feel important.”
Next week, we will see how various Michigan Companies bring their values to life.