An Individualized Approach to Developing Your Employees
“No matter how much success you’re having, you cannot continue working together if you can’t communicate” –James Cameron
Managers play a critical role in developing the people on their teams. Without strong leaders and a strategic management plan, people often become complacent or feel unfulfilled and “stuck” in their jobs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. recently shared A Winning Approach to Employee Development, making it personalized to the individual by noting the following for each direct report:
- Individualized assessments of the employee’s potential
- Employee’s career and development goals
- Identifying employee’s motivators. Such as do they appreciate acts of service (helping them)? Gifts (coffee cards, lunch certificates)? Quality time (regular meetings, going out to lunch together)? Words of affirmation? Etc.
- Identifying the employee’s preferred work personality style (DiSC)
Curious about how to tailor your development approach to the employee’s preferred work styles using DiSC? Here are some simple ways to get started:
- For D-style employees, consider development opportunities that have the potential for impressive results, as success is typically their bottom line. Review the big picture with them and encourage them to come up with appropriate long-term goals.
- When working with i-styles, allow them to lead small groups, as they thrive in a collaborative environment. Help them stay focused by pointing out the negative consequences of not taking enough time to develop skills with deliberate effort.
- For developing S-style team members, be mindful to push them gently to grow and develop—slow and steady tends to win with them. Show them that they have what it takes to work autonomously, and don’t be afraid to offer constructive feedback when necessary.
- With C-styles, try putting development opportunities into clear, well-organized framework. Make sure that these independent and logic-driven employees see the drawbacks of always playing it safe, and remind them to fill you in on their progress.
By communicating with our employees in the way they are wired/prefer, shows them we see and hear them – making them feel valued. And that is a critical component to developing people.
Aha! Leadership is an authorized partner for Everything DiSC® and its tools and assessments. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you or your employees, please email