5 Strategies for Adapting to Change
We have been forced to change the way we live and work. Most of us are working remotely and spending more time together than we ever imagined with those who share our home. We cannot avoid this change (crisis) in our lives. Our government has mandated “social-distancing” and implemented numerous Executive Orders to shelter in place.
While not everyone has been impacted by a tragic loss of life to COVID-19, everyone is experiencing some level of loss right now.
Perhaps it is the loss of income or your job. Perhaps your child may be missing out on the final days of their senior year in high school or college. You may be feeling the loss of quality time with important people in your life or missing anticipated events like a wedding or graduation. Big or small, these losses can feel overwhelming.
How are you adapting to the changes (losses) in your life?
We cannot avoid unexpected events or crises, but we can use these moments to challenge ourselves to grow. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is where the “magic” happens…where you stretch yourself and achieve something you never thought possible!
Here are 5 ways to help you adapt:
1. Change Your Mindset – The Choice is Yours!
We cannot control the events of change in our life, but we can control how we react to the impact that these events have on our lives. The more you use your power of choice and the more you focus your mindset on positively adapting to change, the more resilient you will be to dealing with the impact that change will bring to your life.
2. Find Your Purpose
Take time each day to plan for tomorrow. What three things will you accomplish? Define your purpose. Purpose and meaning in life give you the courage to step out of your comfort zone – which is where you will find incredible opportunities for growth and improvement.
3. Let Go
Let go of your missed opportunities and regret things you did or did not do. You cannot change the past. All you can do is change the future. A simple exercise to deal with regrets is to write each one on a piece of paper.
Then, burn them. As they disappear into ashes, out loud say goodbye to them. It is a very simple but effective way of dealing with the pile of regrets that you have collected in your lives. Use those ashes as fertilizer for a new plant or flower and watch how your past lessons can grow into something beautiful.
4. Face Your Fears
Change is scary and it is all about stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown. Train your mind to do the things that scare you by getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Make a list of scary things that you would like to do but have been too afraid to try them. Put a plan in place and then go do them! (Refer to #2)
5. Focus on Balance and Health
When you live a balanced and healthy life, you improve your resilience to the disruptions in your life. Find positive ways to deal with the stress you face each day. The key is that you commit to activities that enable you to be resilient, optimistic, physically and mentally fit to successful work through the impact that change can bring to your life.
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Benard Shaw
Sourced from an article: Adapting to Change: Why It Matters and How to Do It by Kathryn Sandford)