Are you working effectively as a leader with your team? With your peers? With your leader? These key relationships don’t just happen…effective relationships are built over time. Let us help you improve your impact with others.


Using a customized Everything DiSC® assessment, a research-validated learning model, participants learn to understand and appreciate the ‘styles’ of people they work with. The result…is more effective and productive working relationships, communication and business results.

You can use Everything DiSC® to:

  • Build Strong Teams – Understanding each team members’ communication preference and work better as a team.
  • Communicate More Effectively – The tool provides customized strategies for approaching others you want to develop or deepen a relationship, when problems need to be solved or when things get tense.
  • On-board New Team Members –Understand the communication style of your new leader and to learn about how to work effectively with your new teammates.
  • Improve Communication Between Two Very Different People – The Everything DiSC® comparison report provides a direct comparison between two team members that may not see eye to eye.
  • Motivate, Delegate to and Develop Team Members – Leaders learn specific strategies for working with each person on their team.
  • And so much more….

WHY is it so effective?  Click here  to watch a video (4 minutes).


It’s Impactful…What Our Clients Say

  • “Gives great insight as to what makes others tick and to help understand how to work better with
  • “I will be more observant of others attributes – I will learn to communicate better with others.”
  • “Good things come from knowing more about people surrounding you.”
  • “I will adapt my interactions based on the other person’s style. Focus on increasing workplace effectiveness.”
  • “Very helpful to understand how people think in order for us to efficiently achieve our common goal.”
  • “Wow! This was really eye-opening!”

 To learn more about customizing a development program for you…

Contact Robyn Marcotte at 248.882.2354 or