Pump up your personal brand!

Whether you’re a person just starting out in a job/career, a mid-level manager, or a senior leader, you will not become “essential” unless you are proactive about it. Communication coach John A. Jenson shares three things a person can do to make themselves matter.


Be so intentional and so strategic in the way you present yourself that people respond to you exactly the way you need them to.

This step isn’t about trying to be something you’re not; it’s about solidifying who you are and “stepping it up”. You should be able to summarize your personal design in one word and should lean toward stronger words like: credible, decisive, compelling, engaging or professional.

The key is to ask yourself: Am I willing to make this my standard? Will I hold myself accountable to presenting myself in way that is consistent with the word(s) I’ve chosen?


You must develop a presence about you that will ensure people pay attention to you just by looking at you. This requires that you follow The L.A.W. of Personal Packaging:

  • Looks – Is the way you present yourself consistent with the standard you’ve designed for yourself?
  • Actions – What do you do? (Being “professional” is more about you as a person, not your position.)
  • Words – Don’t be a person who loves to talk, be someone who has something to say; keep it simple.
Personal Branding can make the difference between standing out and blending in.


In times like these, just showing up doesn’t cut it anymore…you have to deliver something of value.

Everyone’s work, in some way or another, can positively impact the organization. People who see the part they play in helping the organization meet its goals, and who then consistently deliver their part at a high level, can’t help but become significant.

Next Steps:

  1. How strong is your personal brand?
  2. What three improvements can you make to improve your brand?
  3. What do you need change to deliver at your highest possible level?