How to Ignite Passion…

By having fun!

Alfie, one of 2009’s “Michigan 50 Companies to Watch”, transformed both their branding and corporate culture in the autumn of 2008.  The entire team came together to create the new mission statement and to determine their core values: integrity, effective communication, creative vision, attitude, excellence, and customer delight.

Last August, Bonnie Alfonzo, Alfie’s President and CEO, awarded $500 cash to the winner of Alfie Idol; the company’s first annual talent competition.  The only requirement — incorporate the Alfie mission and values.

It was a amazing to see the team bring down the house with tunes such as Call Me, Sweet Caroline, and Tomorrow, just to name a few.

For the grand finale the entire team preformed Summer Lovin’ from Grease. Everyone had a blast!

Watch this and get inspired!

Keep in mind… just a few months ago this was an very shy production team.
