5 Benefits of doing nOthing 

In the spirit of walking our talk we are taking a 5 day company holiday! July 1-5

In 1370 AD, the first public clock tower was erected in Cologne, Germany, and from that day forward, the clock has been running our lives.

And I know that when I read stats like these, they make me crazy:

  • According to Arwen Curry, before Edison invented the light bulb, the average person slept eleven hours a night. 
  • A Senate subcommittee in 1967 was told that by 1985, the average American would work only twenty-two hours a week for twenty-seven weeks a year. (Technology and Social Trends, Kerby Anderson)
  • By 2007, the average American worked nearly four more weeks per year than in 1979. (“Vast Majority of Wage Earners are Working Harder,” Lawrence Mishel)


There’s no a complete solution to our overly time-conscious lives, but scheduling a day to DO NOTHING productive is a great starting point.

Yes, you read that right. Schedule a day to DO NOTHING productive. No work. No grocery shopping. No checking “have-to’s” off your list.  

Many societies throughout history have baked this practice into a weekly rhythm called the Sabbath. Many of you remember a time when stores were closed on Sundays. 

After all, DOING NOTHING has several benefits:

    1. Relaxation: Doing nothing allows you to recharge your batteries.
    2. Creativity: Doing nothing allows your mind to wander and can lead to increased problem-solving skills.
    3. Increased productivity: Doing nothing can increase your productivity in the long run. It allows you to return to tasks with renewed energy and focus.
    4. Improved decision-making: Doing nothing allows you to reflect on your choices and consider different options.
    5. Improved relationships: Doing nothing can also allow you to connect with others and strengthen your connections, which research shows is THE key to long-term success.  

Source: Brian Rutherford, leadercast

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer”. 
– William S. Burroughs

Did you know this about disc?

DiSC is an assessment that aids with effective communication

Level of activity

  •  Top – tend to be fast-paced and are often described as assertive, dynamic, and bold.
    • They tend to exert effort to change their circumstances.
  • Bottom – tend to be more moderate paced and are often described as calm, methodical, and careful.
    •  They are more inclined to adapt to existing circumstances.

Level of acceptance

  • Left – naturally more skeptical in nature and are often described as logic-focused, objective, and challenging.
    • They instinctively withhold trust from people and ideas until those outside elements can be thoroughly vetted.
  • Right – naturally more receptive in nature and are often described as people-focused, empathizing, and agreeable.
    • They are biased to see the people and ideas around them as favorable and are thus inclined to trust them.