Before you start setting goals for 2011, stop, take stock and celebrate what you’ve achieved in 2010!
Create Your “Win List”
Try this… before the end of the year create a “Win List”. Its purpose is to help you acknowledge all of your wins, especially those that challenged you or required you to take risk or try something new.
This powerful technique takes about 30 minutes to complete. Start by listing all of the goals you set and achieved this year. Then list any other wins you think of – both large and small.
Here are some questions to help you create your list:
- What three achievements are you most proud of this past year?
- Why were these things important to you?
- Which goals were easy to accomplish? Why?
- Which goals were a challenge to accomplish? Why?
- What one success surprised you this past year?
- How did you set yourself up for this success?
- What new skill did you master?
- What was your biggest lesson learned?
- Who helped you accomplish a key goal?
- How can you thank them for their help?
- What risk did you take that worked out well?
- Why did it work?
- How can you leverage it and do it again?
Add to my list…what “Win List” questions would you add?
Add your comments!
Her is a great tip:
Give your employees a chance to brag! Ask all of your employees to think about these questions and give you a recap of how they think they performed in 2010.