Good Management Requires Delegation
A project lands on your desk and you ask yourself “who should I give this to?”. At least that’s what you should be asking yourself. You NEED to delegate. As hard as this is, it’s so important to master the art of delegation.
People that struggle with delegation are typically “Star Performers”. We are the ones that are used to being the performer and the doer. It’s sometimes difficult for us to shift from getting the results and recognition, to handing it off to someone else.
No matter how much you dread delegation, remember that it is an essential management skill; one you must master in order to grow as a leader. Your ability to move up to bigger things depends on your ability to hand off the lower level task and projects that are time consuming. Stepping out of the limelight, and learning the skill of delegation gives your direct reports an opportunity to grow and shine.
How Do You Master The Art Of Delegation?
The delegation process is just that…a process. In other words, don’t hand off the project, walk away, and forget about it.
Step 1: Start the process by telling the other person your expectations. After this, ask them to paraphrase what you have requested. This avoids any confusion, and sets them up for success.
Step 2: Once the project is underway, schedule touch base meetings to ensure everyone stays on track. Meetings can be tapered off once you are confident that the work is being handled to your satisfaction.
Step 3: Communicate your trust and stay involved throughout the project. Ask questions like, “How is the project going for you?” Doing this shows that you are invested in what they think. Connecting with them on a person-to-person level tells them you care.
When people feel important, they will be interested in working with you. Therefore, you will be less likely to pick up the pieces of a project gone wrong.
Step 4: When all is said and done and the project is complete, hold a debriefing. Discuss what worked and what didn’t. This will give you the confidence to delegate to that person in the future.
Just remember, delegating is good for everyone on your team. You get to make room for more challenging responsibilities, and your team has the opportunity to grow too! It’s a win-win…
Do this … challenge yourself for the next 30 days. Delegate at least three things each day. See what you learn and how your team grows and changes.
Happy delegating!